Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Event Review for October 3, 2009…

October 3, 2009 Parkville, MO.- HMS Beagle held it’s October
Skies event in English Landing mall 92 rockets were launched. October Skies happens once a year, to promote rocketry with the youth and adults.

Cruise night began at 4 PM and ran until 9 PM several dozen cars and owners arrived for the Event. The last Cruise Night of the season will be on October 24. It looks to be one mother of a blow out with a DJ, Food by the American Legion and there will be a Dyno Machine on site. Come on down for the last event of the Cruise Night Season.

The Cruise Night Dance Began at the American Legion at 7PM and went until 10 PM. There was a live Band playing 50s music. The Tourques, Stevie Wolverton, Kenny Butterfield, Johnny Isom, and Janelle Frost played the music for the dance. The group has been working together since the early 60s.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Parktoberfest, Parkville's own version of Oktoberfest, is rapidly approaching. The event is a fundraiser for English Landing Park Oct. 10, 2009. Volunteers are in great demand. Please let us know if you would like to pitch in. Contact Bill Noble at Yodeling ability not mandatory.
Sponsored by Parkville Community Development Corporation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Vasto Assaults Pillar of the Community…

September 27 2009, Parkville, MO.- The events described below are as related by witnesses. Mark Vasto, publisher and Editor of the Parkville Luminary, assaulted Tom Hutsler in the Power Plant Reception Facility. Prior to the incident, according to witnesses, Vasto was ranting that Hutsler had stolen his papers from the machine in front of the American Legion on Main Street and that he was going to kick Hutsler’s ass. Tom Hutsler was in the Power Plant Reception Facility doing some work, when Vasto Broke into the power plant at or about 12 A.M. Vasto then confronted Hutsler in the foyer and then, according to Hutsler, Vasto accused Hutsler of stealing the papers from the machine. He then shoved Hutsler.

Hutsler ordered Vasto off property and stated that he didn’t know about the missing papers, also that he did not have the papers, and that he “didn’t care about the Luminary.” After Hutsler and Vasto stepped out of the building, Vasto continued with his rant, Hutsler asked for someone to call the police. Hutsler flagged a passing Parkville Police vehicle and told the officer that he wanted press charges against Vasto for assault. Vasto was taken into custody by the police and taken to the Parkville Police Department.

The case goes to court on October 15.