Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ten Questions for the Candidates.

I have decide to post this on-line questionnaire to the two candidates for the position of Platte County Commissioner. It seems that it has been impossible to get a debate set up between the two candidates. I'm not completely clear as to why this has not been possible (at least so far), but the word on the street and in the restaurants is that one candidate has consistently refused. That will, in fact, be my first question.

Q1: Is it true that both the Parkville Luminary and the Pachyderm Club have tried to arrange a debate between you and your opponent? If so, what do you think is the main reason one or both debates have not come off?

Q2. What public endorsements have you received? (Please cite specific publications, dates and page numbers and/or URLs at which such public endorsements can be viewed.)

Q3. What do you think is the biggest issue (positive or negative) facing Platte County today? Why? How do you plan to deal with issue if you are elected?

Q4. How important is the appointment of non-partisan boards and commissions within the community. Why?

Q5. What is the most important development issue currently facing the citizens of Southern Platte County? Why? How will you deal with this issue if you are elected?

Q6. What do think is likely to become a "headline issue" in the county within the next 2 years? Why? How do you anticipate dealing with this if, in fact, it does become an important issue in the future?

Q7. What do you think the voters of Southern Platte County should consider to be your primary assets and/or qualities?

Q8. Since both of you have been mayor of Parkville, what was the one major, negative, controversy with which you had to deal during your mayoral tenure? Was this controversy successfully resolved during your term in office? If it was, how was it resolved; if was not, why?

Q9. What do you think will be your primary responsibilities to the two different types of citizens in Southern Platte County, namely those who live in municipalities and those who live in the unincorporated parts of the county?

Q10. Please post your campaign platform, in bullet points. Also, please post the link to your campaign's web site.

I want to thank the candidates in advance for their responses.

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