Saturday, December 6, 2008

Main Street Parkville Association monthly meeting

The next meeting of the Main Street Parkville Association (MSPA) is next Wednesday morning at the American Legion Hall on Main Street. The meeting starts at 9:00 am with a breakfast, provided by MSPA, at 8:30 am. This is the annual meeting where officers will be elected and where dues can be paid. Paid memberships allow businesses and individuals to vote on all matters that come before the group at its regular monthly meetings for the coming year. Dues are $25.00; memberships can be purchased by individuals and/or businesses. Each paid membership is entitled to a vote. Member businesses are encouraged to have their employees (clerks, wait staff, sales people, etc.) personally join MSPA. This will give the organization a larger pool of potential, and hopefully committed, volunteers for the many committees and festivals and events during the year.
The officer positions that are being elected at this meeting are the chairman, vice-chairman and secretary. MSPA is part of the Parkville Community Development Corporation (PCDC) and it operates under its organizational umbrella. However, PCDC does not direct the actions of the MSPA, but the PCDC's elected treasurer serves as the treasurer of MSPA (as well as of all the other organizations that are under the PCDC umbrella).
A slate of candidates was submitted at the last monthly meeting; it is composed of Carol Kuhns as chairman, Tom Hutsler as vice-chairman and Linda Varner as secretary.


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