Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Sweet Guy's Karma

I don't really believe in karma, but if it does indeed exist there is no better example of it than the recent problems visited on the Sweet Guy who recently moved from Parkville to the Waldo area of Kansas City. It seems that he was closed down for a period by the Public Health Service due to critical health violations.

The "karma" comes in because of his statements about Parkville. It seems he was quoted as saying something like, "Parkville is off the beaten path." We're still on the path (and always have been), and it seems his new place in Waldo...has a path that has been beaten by the health inspectors...and so soon after his opening!

On another note, Tom Hutsler, who is renovating the old Sweet Guy place for the pared down Tommy T's was seen working in the place cleaning up the accumulated filth left behind when the previous tenant moved out. Ice cream (gellato?) on the light switches?

Here's the link to the story online .


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