Saturday, September 20, 2008

Local Newspaper gets called on its Editorial

The Parkville Luminary was pulled up short by the president of the Parkville Community Development Corporation, PCDC. In his response to the newspaper's editorial in which the publisher, Mark Vasto, referred to the PCDC as part of a "three-headed monster", Tim Rice layed out a very concise explanation of the history and value of the PCDC to Parkville's past and future economic development. My investigation turned up the fact that a private e-mail from the PCDC's treasurer, John Kuhns, to Rice and the other two PCDC officers, in which Kuhns expressed his concern that the PCDC might not be included in Mayor Gerry Richardson's call for a new commission to study and promote economic development. In the e-mail Kuhns suggested that perhaps Rice should have a conversation with the mayor to find out what the mayor's intentions were.

It seems the private e-mail was forwarded to a plethora of other Parkvillians. One of the persons to whom the e-mail was forwarded was Vasto and the Luminary. The letter was featured in a scathing editorial and Vasto used it as his jumping-off point to do what he seems to delight in...the trashing of downtown Parkville and its volunteer organizations. It was reported in the paper that the mayor had not met with anyone from the PCDC, when in fact, he did have a meeting with Rice about the subject prior to the appearance of the editorial. It seems the meeting might have been a little awkward since the mayor had also been a recipient of the forwarded e-mail.

I have spoken to a few of the merchants and my neighbors here in Parkville, and a very precious few hold the Luminary in high regard. Their biggest complaint, it seems, is that the publishers rarely has anything good to say about downtown. This attitude exists in light of the fact that the current may has reiterated what all of his predicessors have said, "The downtown is the heart our our city."

Let me hear from you on this subject, Post your comments and participate in our pools.


Anonymous said...

It seems that the so-called "Parkville paper" has an agenda ... to take any small controversy or difference of opinions and stir it up in order to sell papers. It is a good thing when residents and businesses of a community have strong feelings and opinions, even when they differ. Strong feelings mean that these individuals have a strong interest in their community. What can be bad about that? Differences of opinion keep us rethinking and re-examing and lead to better decision making. But bashing individuals, exageration and innuendo does nothing more than keep good people from working in their community, which sometimes I think is the Luminary editor's goal. Too bad, when this is such a great little town with lots of talented and dedicated residents and business owners.

Anonymous said...

OK downtown Parkville lovers, what do you think about this proposed no smoking ordinance?

Anonymous said...

Funny how things change... Mr. Vasto walked into Parkville a few years ago as a self-proclaimed 'friend of parkville', visiting with the merchants and selling advertising as a way to "promote" Parkville. Since then he has picked-up enough sponsorship that his approach is sell papers by bashing Parkville with his arrogant and absurd opinions. I bet he'll even begin bad-mouthing Ol' Grigs at some point. I always questioned why Mark 'Friend of Parkville' Vasto has never lived in the area. Does he still live in Wyandotte County? Maybe that would be a good place to peddle his opinions. Parkville needs to stop supporting his operation, stop buying sponsorship and stop buying his paper (just read the free copy at Nick & Jakes like I do).