Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Shameful Display

Well folks, it certainly didn't take long for the wing nuts to drag out the anti-American sentiments. I encountered one that I am fairly sure an American POW of any war would not approve of. This was seen at, or near, 11556 Northwest Highway FF in front of a gated home that is secluded in the hills and trees on the north side of the highway. It is bad enough that the homeowner has the American flag flying at half staff, but to hang another American flag, upside-down over the McCain-Palin sign is an entirely different matter. This is, of course, an international sign of severe distress or emergency, "(t)he United States Flag Code gives an explanation of reasons to fly the American flag upside-down, and none of the reasons include protest. Recently, I have witnessed many stories where people are flying the American flag upside-down as a form of protest against any number of things: the war, the President, the Supreme Court, school, etc. (" I suspect "displaying" the flag can be construed as "flying" the flag.

Here are two photos of the display:

One has to wonder what John McCain would have to say about this shameful display.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sent the link to John McCain at