Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Event Review for October 3, 2009…

October 3, 2009 Parkville, MO.- HMS Beagle held it’s October
Skies event in English Landing mall 92 rockets were launched. October Skies happens once a year, to promote rocketry with the youth and adults.

Cruise night began at 4 PM and ran until 9 PM several dozen cars and owners arrived for the Event. The last Cruise Night of the season will be on October 24. It looks to be one mother of a blow out with a DJ, Food by the American Legion and there will be a Dyno Machine on site. Come on down for the last event of the Cruise Night Season.

The Cruise Night Dance Began at the American Legion at 7PM and went until 10 PM. There was a live Band playing 50s music. The Tourques, Stevie Wolverton, Kenny Butterfield, Johnny Isom, and Janelle Frost played the music for the dance. The group has been working together since the early 60s.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Parktoberfest, Parkville's own version of Oktoberfest, is rapidly approaching. The event is a fundraiser for English Landing Park Oct. 10, 2009. Volunteers are in great demand. Please let us know if you would like to pitch in. Contact Bill Noble at Yodeling ability not mandatory.
Sponsored by Parkville Community Development Corporation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Vasto Assaults Pillar of the Community…

September 27 2009, Parkville, MO.- The events described below are as related by witnesses. Mark Vasto, publisher and Editor of the Parkville Luminary, assaulted Tom Hutsler in the Power Plant Reception Facility. Prior to the incident, according to witnesses, Vasto was ranting that Hutsler had stolen his papers from the machine in front of the American Legion on Main Street and that he was going to kick Hutsler’s ass. Tom Hutsler was in the Power Plant Reception Facility doing some work, when Vasto Broke into the power plant at or about 12 A.M. Vasto then confronted Hutsler in the foyer and then, according to Hutsler, Vasto accused Hutsler of stealing the papers from the machine. He then shoved Hutsler.

Hutsler ordered Vasto off property and stated that he didn’t know about the missing papers, also that he did not have the papers, and that he “didn’t care about the Luminary.” After Hutsler and Vasto stepped out of the building, Vasto continued with his rant, Hutsler asked for someone to call the police. Hutsler flagged a passing Parkville Police vehicle and told the officer that he wanted press charges against Vasto for assault. Vasto was taken into custody by the police and taken to the Parkville Police Department.

The case goes to court on October 15.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Parkville Old Towne Market CID Business

The Parkville Old Towne Market Community Improvement District (POTMCID) met for its regular meeting on Wednesday, July 15th, 2009 at the American Legion Hall. The main business conducted was the reappointment of Frank McCall to the board and the appointment of Kathleen Fasone to fill the vacancy created by the resignation in June of Kevin Heaton. In addition, the board reviewed a grant request from the Parkville Chamber or Commerce for support of their upcoming "Bluegrass Block Party."

The request was for a $5,000.00 "sponsorship" for the event. The POTMCID approved support of a grant of $4,190.00 to support very specific line items in the Chamber's budget including the event's marketing. The grant will be paid to the Chamber as reimbursement for actual expenses.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bliss Fest - 2nd Annual

The Main Street Parkville Assocation, Parkville residents, The Kansas City Raw Food Meetup Group, Whole Foods Market, Green Acres, Nature's Pantry, and Evolving Magazine are helping to bring Parkville its second annual Bliss Fest.

If you haven't heard, The Bliss Fest is a celebration of conscious lifestyle featuring food, clothing, and beverage vendors, health and wellness speakers, live music, and demonstration of all sorts of personalized services surrounding the topics of sustainability, health, wealth, and creativity. Last year the event was at "The Treehouse", a piece of privately owned land near downtown Parkville. Bliss Fest 2008 was a huge success measured by attendance nearing 250 people, drawn strictly by word of mouth, and a few creative web posts.

Recently, the City of Parkville unanimously voted to approve the festival for English Landing Park. We'll have print advertising blanketing Parkville and spread throughout the Kansas City Metro Area. Live speakers this year are flying in from all over the US to publicly share their powerful stories of health, wealth, and gratitude. There will be reggae music and other entertainment as well. The reach of this festival has unexpectedly expanded and we're expecting a multitude of attendees traveling from all over the Midwest.

If you or someone you know would be interested in being a vendor or a sponsor there are several ways to so. Logo space is available on (1) the large banner that will hang across the street in Parkville, (2) on la arge banner that will hang on the stage in the park, (3) on the kids tent, and (4) on smaller signage. Donations for a silent auction and a raffle are gladly accepted.

Sponsors currently include Green Acres Market, Sonrisa Salon and Day Spa, Eden Alley, BRAS Breast Cancer Awareness Support, and more. We are offering local businesses and organizations a booth for $35; this is thirty dollars less than the non-resident vendors are paying. If you’re interested in sponsorship for banner logos, please call today details. We’re also accepting service coupons for the raffle. Here is the contact phones for additional questions: 816.785.3454 (Heidi) and 816.898.6177 (Maureen). Please use these same numbers for vendor agreements and general information about the festival. For more information on-line please follow this link:

Thank you,
Heidi VanPelt

Monday, July 13, 2009

Make: KC Organizational Meeting

A group of makers in the Kansas City area is organizing a meeting to talk about the forming of a Make: KC group. They write:

Do you enjoy creating new inventions or taking things apart to see how they work? Maybe you've seen some of the do-it-yourself projects in MAKE magazine but you're not sure how to finish certain steps.

This is an opportunity for tinkerers, inventors, makers, artists, and crafters to share your knowledge and inspiration with others from young to old in a family-friendly atmosphere.

We are planning for this meeting to include some show and tell projects using Arduino microcontrollers, as well as organizational topics and planning for future events as we launch this new group.

Here are the details:

Tuesday July 14, 2009
6 pm to 7 pm: Maker Show and Tell
7 pm to 8 pm: Organizational Meeting
HMS Beagle Science Store
180 English Landing Drive
Parkville, MO 64152
(816) 587-9998

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Parkville's 4th of July Celebration - Call for Volunteers

Main Street Parkville Association has invited the Parkville Chamber of Commerce to take part in the 4th of July Beer Garden as a special shared fund raiser. The Camber is asking for help with the Beer Garden and MSPA is asking for help with all the other aspects of the celebration's events including the parade.

The Beer Garden will be located on Ball Field One, (intersection of McAfee & East Street, near the Farmers Market), on the 4th of July and open for business from 5:00 - 10:00 PM.

Beer Garden Volunteer Duties and Shifts:
Volunteer duties will include checking ID's, applying wristbands to those of age, collecting money and serving beer.

The Parkville Chamber of Commerce is responsible to man three shifts with three volunteers per shift. If you are interested in helping with the Beer Garden please click here and provide your name, desired shift, mobile telephone number and t-shirt size.
Shifts: 4:30 - 6:30PM (includes setup from 4:30 - 5)
6:30 - 8:30 PM
8:30 - 10:30 PM (includes breakdown from 10-10:30)

Parade and other event Volunteers:
If you're interesting helping with the 4th of July Parade or other activities please please click here and provide your name, home and mobile telephone numbers. We especially will need assistance in staging the parade in the parking lots at the Parkville Commons Center. Dannelle Nichols will then be in touch with you to fill you in on how you can help.

Parade Entry Applications:
If you, your family, organization or business would like to have an entry in the parade please click here for parade applications. This year's theme is "Our Home Town". Come join us and help make it happen!

Where else can you volunteer for a great cause, get a FREE t-shirt and have the best seats to a real home town parade and the BEST FIREWORKS SHOW? Only in Parkville, Our Hometown!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lemonade and Cookies at Great Northland Exposure Artist's Gallery...

June 12, 2009 Parkville, MO.- When I was walking around downtown Parkville, I noticed two women putting up a new sign outside Northland Exposure Artist’s Gallery that stated “free lemonade and cookies inside.” When I asked the ladies about the sign they said they were going to start the free lemonade and cookies for patrons of Northland Exposure Artist’s Gallery on Saturdays starting in July for the rest of the summer. Northland Exposure Artist’s Gallery is located 110 Main Street in Parkville Missouri. Come on down to view the paintings, drawings, photography, jewelry, pottery, stained glass, wood art, and wearable art; and, of course have some free lemonade and cookies.

HMS Beagle Science Club Dig...

June 12, 2009 Parkville, MO.- HMS Beagle Science Club goes on a Paleontological Dig at Park University. The young Scientists were digging for fossils at Deer park location at 6th street and Morden Road on the University Campus. Gilbert Parker, President of the Kansas and Missouri Paleontological Society, was the instructor for this activity and field trip. Most of the fossils found were plant life from the Pennsylvanian Period. The digs will be on Wednesday s weather pending. For more information on the HMS Beagle Science Club Contact Carol or John Kuhns at the HMS Beagle Science and Toy Store at 180 English Landing Drive.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Parkville's Cruise Night a Roaring Success

Parkville, MO, 6 June 2009: The 2nd Parkville Cruise Night was, without a doubt, a roaring success. The comments were overwhelmingly positive and included many on how it could be made even better. It seems the event had a far reaching effect in the county with Riverside's Cruise Night being attended by only 4 or 5 cars and the Platte City event was called off. I had the personal pleasure of ferrying event attendees around the show as well as up to the shops in English Landing Centre.

My chauffeuring gave me a chance to promote Parkville and the excitement of our wonderful town. I had a great number of folks ride with me that had never been to town and an even greater number that had never shopped the downtown shops. The restaurants, of course, remain the greatest beneficiaries of this event, but Sunrise Soap Company, Rio Salon & Spa, H.M.S. Beagle, Florilegium, The Parkville Antique Mall, Subway, Bentley Guitar and Iron Horse Bistro all got very good exposure from lots of folks who did not previously know of these treasures. Tom at the Iron Horse said they were slammed, and Carol and I ate there that evening and enjoyed conversations on the deck with out-of-towners who had come for the event.

Personally, I enjoyed talking about our town to the folks who rode with me, and I enjoyed the comments and the opportunity to pass out brochures and coupons for the businesses. I was asked lots of questions about the town, our people and the university. I was often asked, "how is the town doing?" I was able to give a truthful, upbeat evaluation of the economy as it has impacted Parkville, and the vast majority said they would be back, soon.

On a sour note it was noted that many shops in downtown were closed too early (one even closed an hour early) and after the show, with the exception of English Landing shops, the cruise night participants had no where to spend their money after they ate at the downtown restaurants.

I had the pleasure to chauffeuring Kathy Dusenbury to English Landing Park for a picnic under a shelter. Finally, and certainly not least, I wish to thank Dale Brouk of the National Golf Club for the loan of a 4-passenger, electric golfcart, Additionally, I want to say how impressed and grateful I was for the assistance given to me by the staff at the Deuce and the National. The cart was festooned with banners stating that the "free ride" was courtesy of the National. The pick up and return of the cart was handled flawlessly by Tom Hutsler. This is just another example of the cooperation amoung several individuals and entities that makes this town so great.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bill Grigsby, a pillar of the community, devotes time and energy into what makes him successful ," He brings the best out in people." When Bill speaks, people listen and we should all listen a little more.

Bill, nicknamed the "Prince", by his esteem audience is well deserving of the title. I'm not sure who bestowed the title, but it sure fits the man.

I will continue to speak highly of those who make a marked difference in our community and in our lives. He who gives is deserving of praise.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Parkville's River Jam

14th Annual Parkville Blues/Jazz and Fine Arts River Jam

Parkville, MO-The Parkville Community Development Corporation and all the volunteers of the Blues/Jazz and Fine Arts River Jam planning committee proudly announce the 14th annual Blues/Jazz and Fine Arts River Jam on June 19th and 20th in beautiful English Landing Park, on the banks of the Missouri River in Parkville, MO. In part due to our continued sponsors and our dedicated volunteers this is the longest running blues/jazz festival in the area.

Eight international, national and regionally acclaimed Blues and Jazz bands will perform at this year’s event. Our line-up features Stacy Mitchart from Nashville, Tennessee, world renowned Jazz artist Angela Hagenbach, Roger (Hurricane) Wilson from Atlanta, Georgia, with Levee Town, Harper from Australia, The Sons of Brazil, the Tommy Andrew’s Band, the Rev. Jimmie Bratcher, The Skip Hawkin’s Band and the Parkville Community Band.

Whether decorating a new home or just acquiring that “one of a kind” painting we also showcase a juried art show from approximately 40 regional artists whose work will be on display and for sale throughout the festival. Such artists, many of whom are returning by popular demand, include Glen Garrison, (Wildlife art), Constance Smith, (oil painting & prints), pottery, acrylics, landscapes and portraits by many others. It’s time to support the arts by starting or adding to your collection.

Historical Parkville is the destination to spend the day shopping and dining with a wide variety of shops, including clothing fashions, re-sale, antiques and collectibles, wine, art galleries, home furnishing and even a science store as well as a wide variety of restaurants to satisfy any appetite. Let’s break the mall habit and enjoy the start of summer supporting Parkville. Remember, Parkville is close to home, but far from ordinary.

A special thank-you to our continued sponsors, North Kansas City Hospital, Kansas City Blue’s Society, KKFI FM 90.1, North Kansas City Beverage and the many others to follow.

Friday June 19th 5:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Saturday June 20th Noon to 11:00 p.m.
For more information contact: Linda Arnold/Mario DelCastillo/Karen Montgomery co-chairs call : 816-880-9026, or visit:

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Guitar Pull

30 May 2009 Parkville, MO.- As I was walking around English Landing Mall I spied a group of men playing guitars, singing, and enjoying the weather. The music ranged from bluegrass, gospel, to folk. When I asked how often the met, they responded that they met every Saturday depending upon the weather. If you are interested in listening to good music or you would like to bring you instruments along to jam, Just come on down and sit a spell y’all. The session starts around noon and lasts until about four in the afternoon, or until they want to stop playing. Location is at Bentley Guitar Studio, 122 main Street, Parkville, Missouri 64152.

Vasto, charlatan that claims to be a journalist…

Once again Mark Vasto makes an attempt to make an organization and a pillar of the community look bad in the May 29th edition of the “Parkville Delusionary.” Really Mark you don’t do enough legwork for your stories, but I guess when you half ass your work all of your life it is hard to get out of the habit. I went to the sources named in the “Duly Noted” column of the “Delusionary” and managed to get the information that you apparently got from hearsay statements. So let’s set some things straight shall we.

1. The “ FLAIR” Fashion show was supposed to be for the benefit for Watercolors Fashion Boutique, to increase its customer base. They asked for Main Street sponsorship of the event, MPSA budgeted 600 dollars for the planning of the event, this money was not for Tom Hutsler; it was for the person that coordinated the activity on behalf of the MSPA. However the full budget was not used and actual cost was 500 dollars for administrative costs. The Event that was conceived to “support downtown Parkville” did not drop the Main Street Association. The Main Street Parkville Association dropped the “FLAIR” event. According to Carol Kuhns, president of the Main Street Association, Stated “Because of the planned activities that MSPA has committed to for our downtown business, we do not have the capacity to do an event like this on a monthly basis.”

2. It is true that the Power Plant Brewery is defunct, however the Power Plant Brewery is now the Power Plant Reception Facility, it is licensed and all documentation is available with the city and the state. Something that you, Mark, should be able to do, but since you haven’t the ethics to do such work, you just write about the information without confirming the information. The use of the Power Plant Reception facility was actually donated to the event by Tom Hutsler and Dave Williams for 100 dollars, 900 dollars less than the actual cost for the use of the facility. The Facility does have several events booked for the next three months; therefore the Power Plant Reception Facility is neither defunct nor vacant.

3. The reason that there was no agreement for clean up charges was that the Organizers for the “FLAIR” event were going to do the clean up themselves, which by the way they did not do. I should know as I was there cleaning up the day after the event. And the clean up did not cost 250 dollars, the actual cost was 160 dollars, but Vasto could have called Main Street Parkville Association to find this out.

Personally I believe that Mark Vasto is sooo blinded by his hatred and bias against those pillars in the Parkville community that he cannot bother to get the information that I was able to receive by asking politely and by asking the right questions. I now understand why Mark’s wife makes several times more money than he does; she is actually smarter than him.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The News according to Vasto…

I have read several issues of the local paper that I will now call the “The Parkville Delusionary,” I will comment upon the issues that caught my eye. The first issue I will deal with is the response from Vasto to a supposed “letter” to the editor about Tom Hutsler “stealing” Papers and intimidating people from allowing the paper to be available to the public in their venue. WHAT? I have seen the paper available to the public at businesses around town for sale and for free, I personally prefer not to read this trash, but it is necessary for me to do so I order to counter what is written by Vasto against those he has an agenda against. In respect to the First Amendment, the First Amendment does not prohibit citizens from suppressing freedom of speech; it prohibits the GOVERNMENT from suppressing free speech. I am thinking Mark Vasto needs to take a review class on the Constitution of the United States of America, or better yet get some psychiatric help for his paranoid schizophrenia with delusions of grandeur. I also think that the author of the letter is definitely an imaginary person, unlike me, that happens to be a REAL friend to John Kuhns.

Second, Vasto wrote about a WDAF news segment that featured Carol Kuhns discussing merchants leaving downtown Parkville for Zona Rosa. Carol is not a telescope salesperson, at least that is what she told me; she told me that she is a shop owner of a science toy store. In fact HMS Beagle is one the top rated science education stores in the region, which is a lot better than owning a newspaper that has less circulation than the Kansas City Kansan and is only good for lining pet cages. Unfortunately, I have heard rumors that a couple of pets exploded after looking at the paper they were pooping on.

Third, “The Word on the Street” article about the Bluegrass Block Party. This is the only event that is being done on Main Street this year. But when you are Mark Vasto, it is nice to think that you had some kind of influence on how events in Parkville are conducted. I have heard about how Vasto was in charge of Christmas on the River and was able to lose $19,000 dollars during the festival. Hey Mark while you are re-learning constitutional issues, you should take a course on running festivals that make a profit.

What does Vasto hope to achieve with his agenda against those that are Pillars of the Community? Who knows from a little man with a paper that supposedly represents a community that he does not even live in. I personally do not see anything in the “Delusionary” that has anything to offer this community that gives back to it, nor brings people to our fair city, nor does it increase our commerce. Vasto is nothing more than a carpetbagger with a printing press.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Of Note?

From the May 1st edition of the Parkville Paper that my puppy poops on, an article entitled "Of Note" an article that was written about the The last Friday event "Flair." the article claims the event was sponsored by the Parkville Chamber of Commerce and the Parkville pet cage liner. Unfortunately the paper got the sponsor wrong it was Main Street Parkville Association. But then that is what you get for "unbiased" reporting.

The "article" goes on to report that the event was a success, 300 people in attendence, and in an attempt to to critique the Power Plant, The author complained about "dysfunctional" Toilets. and the claim that the power plant was a "vacant" building was also untrue. when a building is being used it is not vacant. The use of the building for the event was donated by Tom Hutsler. The author of the article claims there was "no comment" from Hutsler about the "dysfunctional" toilets, the reason that there was no comment from Hutsler was that the "author" of the article never called to ask for a comment of the situation of the "dysfunctional" toilets. Nice to know that the "author" is thorough in gathering all the information in regards to the story for this section.

I asked Hutsler for a comment on the situation of the "dysfunctional" toilets and he responded that the reason for the "Dysfunctional" toilet in question was that toilet was stuffed full of things that were not meant to go down the toilet, according to the plumber that was brought in to repair the toilet in question. I seriously question the aptitude of the editor of the Parkville Paper that my dog poops on, if this the best he can do then I should begin to report on the activities that occur in my town I live in. At least I can be objective on what I report.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Parking spaces on Main Street

Several Main Street Parkville Association (MSPA) and Parkville Chamber of Commerce members have personally complained to me about the on-going problem of merchants on Main Street parking in front of their own stores, or even worse, in front of a neighbor's store The parking on Main Street is atrocious to begin with. One merchant estimated that on the stretch of Main between 1st and 2nd streets there was only one free parking space every 20 to 25 minutes, and that many of the occupied spaces were occupied by business owners' cars and trucks.

This issue is as important to some business owners as the signage issue, except in this case the city isn't the culprit. Come on folks leave the parking spaces for your customers and for your neighbor's customers. Be a good citizen.

Remember, there is ample parking in the city's lot and in English Landing. Main Street merchants have numerous places in which to park so that their customers are not inconvienced.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Averted in the Park Hill School District

Last year a student at Park Hill High School complained of a science teacher who was teaching his own form of creationism/intelligent design in the high school. In addition the teacher was downplaying the importance of the theory of evolution by natural selection. The student's concerns were brought to the attention of several folks in and around Parkville, including the teacher, the school principal, the other science teachers, and politically active, long-time school board member. Blog postings (elsewhere) resulted in a regional and national science education organizations getting involved and the result was the teacher has promised to teach science and cease the teaching of supernaturalism. The real question is. "can we be sure this won't happen again?"

In Texas there was recently a statewide effort to subvert science teaching with myth and supernaturalism. The following italicized quotes are directly from an email sent by AAAS: "In a letter to the Texas State Board of Education, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and two dozen leaders of the Texas science and education community urged rejection of amendments to draft science standards that would undermine sound science teaching. In a supporting commentary in the San Antonio Express-News, AAAS warned that the antiscience amendments could undermine the state's reputation as an international engine of discovery and innovation. Read the full text of the letter and commentary. "

"Note: In the 27 March final vote on the standards, the board narrowly supported teaching the mainstream theory of evolution without reinserting the directive to study the "strengths and weaknesses" of evolution and without requiring standards to study the "sufficiency or insufficiency" of natural selection. However, the board approved other amendments above the advice of scientific experts, including a directive to teach "all sides of scientific evidence," which critics fear will embolden the board to challenge science textbooks when they come up for approval in 2011. "

The Park Hill schools are some of the finest in the nation. Parents and students need to keep a watchful eye, and ear, on what's being taught in nscience.


Monday, April 13, 2009

How corrupt is it?

Rumor has it that the Parkville Birdcage Liner has labeled the Parkville Old Towne Market Community Improvement District (POTMCID), "the most corrupt organization this side of Kansas City, Kansas." This may not be the exact quote since, like most folks, I have not (and do not) read the Birdcage Liner. If the POTMCID is the most corrupt, then the rest of the organizations in Missouri are, by extension, beyond angelic...godlike, in fact. When Kevin Heaton, the owner of the Stone Canyon Pizza Company and board member of the POTMCID, was asked what he thought about the statements in the Birdcage Liner he reportedly said, "I don't read that rag."

Other POTMCID board members, when asked their thoughts, said they had not seen the issue in question and most shrugged it off as meaningless drivel. One board member said it was "just more shit at the bottom of the cage."

We have formally asked the POTMCID District Manager, Carol Kuhns, to put us on the official media notification list of board meetings. She told us that she has recently sent out a blanket email to local, regional and national media informing them that since the POTMCID has not received any previous requests for meeting notifications that each of the emailed organizations should respond in writing or by email to be put on the email notification list. She also told us that even though no local media has previously asked for notification that most that have an interest have seen notices posted elsewhere or have gotten personal (official?) notification from other POTMCID board members.

John Kuhns, the POTMCID Treasurer, has reportedly requested of the Main Street Parkville Association (MSPA) that POTMCID information be posted on the web site. The information, reportedly, will include information on how to apply to the POTMCID for grants, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and, yes, meeting notices. Further, the web page will supposidly have PDFs of the official grant application forms that can be downloaded. There will also be a complete list of the POTMCID board members and their contact information.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Comments are welcomed

What are you hearing around Parkville?

What do you think about the recently enacted smoking ban? Have you eaten at the Iron Horse Bistro yet? Have you ever met a nicer guy than Tom at the Iron Horse? What did you think of the "visioning" session last Thursday morning? Do you think Jahad at the Cedar Cafe will ever get his directional sign? How do you like the latest downtown visitor's map? Have you tried the giant wieners at Tommy T's?

What Parkville restaurants do you recommend to friends and family? Why? What businesses do you recommend? Why? Which retailer has the best customer service? Have you voluenteered for a Main Street Parkville Association event? Which one? What did you think of the Cruise Night? Did you see the 2007 electric Mustang? Did you know its made by a guy right here in Parkville?

Why do you suppose so many retailers close on Mondays? Why do you suppose so many customers complain about stores that close on Mondays? Did you know that a possibly new species of fossil cockroach was found on the Park University campus? Did you know there are stores in Parkville that give discounts to Park U students and faculty? Are you going to the Flair Fashion event that is being hosted by MSPA?

Give us your comments.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Deborah Butcher - Ward 1 Alderman

Well folks, its election time in Parkville...again. In this election on April 7th Deborah Butcher, the incumbent, is being challenged by the write-in candidacy of Charlie Poole in the town's first ward. Ms. Butcher has been a very active proponent of the goings-on in the the first ward, as well as for the entire town. She has taken a serious interest in everything that happens in the ward she represents and there is hardly a meeting at which she is not present. Her insights and contributions of expertise are always welcomed. She is the type that gets things done.

We know that Ms. Butcher will continue to be a valuable asset to Parkville. We urge the voters in Parkville's Ward 1 to go to the polls a week from tomorrow and cast your votes for Deborah Butcher.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Sweet Guy's Karma

I don't really believe in karma, but if it does indeed exist there is no better example of it than the recent problems visited on the Sweet Guy who recently moved from Parkville to the Waldo area of Kansas City. It seems that he was closed down for a period by the Public Health Service due to critical health violations.

The "karma" comes in because of his statements about Parkville. It seems he was quoted as saying something like, "Parkville is off the beaten path." We're still on the path (and always have been), and it seems his new place in Waldo...has a path that has been beaten by the health inspectors...and so soon after his opening!

On another note, Tom Hutsler, who is renovating the old Sweet Guy place for the pared down Tommy T's was seen working in the place cleaning up the accumulated filth left behind when the previous tenant moved out. Ice cream (gellato?) on the light switches?

Here's the link to the story online .


Monday, March 23, 2009

Downtown CID Approves Grants to the MSPA

Last week the Parkville Old Towne Market Community Improvement District (POTMCID) approved the marketing budget submitted from the Main Street Parkville Association (MSPA). MSPA's marketing plan was developed by a marketing committee made up of volunteers from the MSPA membership. Despite some heated discussions and strong objections from Melissa Robbins of Nine Lives and Kevin Heaton of Stone Canyon Pizza Company; the majority of the board voted for the grant's approval. It is interesting to note that the POTMCID bylaws allows the executive committee to approve grants and other such business without a vote of the full board.

The elected offices are Tom Hutsler, Chairman, Ralph Liebetrau, Vice-Chairman and John Kuhns, Treasurer. Carol Kuhns was elected to the position of District Manager, and she handles most of the responsibilities of the POTMCID's business. Ms. Kuhns was also appointed acting secretary (the job having been turned down by Ms. Robbins). Mr. Hutsler, Mr. Leibetrau, Mr. Kuhns and Ms. Kuhns constitute the executive committee.

At a previous meeting of the POTMCID board, its attorney, Charles Renner was present to provide advice and council. Renner was the lawyer who steered the formation of the POTMCID two years ago under the direction of the MSPA. Its purpose is to provide funding for the MSPA's projects and especially marketing. The POTMCID is prevented by its bylaws and establishing city ordinance from assuming any projects that were (are) the responsibility of the city.


Friday, March 13, 2009

Ribbon Cutting - The Parkville Scooter Guy

Ribbon Cutting - The Parkville Scooter Guy

DATE: MARCH 26, 2009 (Thursday)
LOCATION: 101 Mill Street (Downtown Parkville)
DESCRIPTION: Please join the Parkville Chamber of Commerce for the Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting Ceremony of The Parkville Scooter Guy. The event will take place on Thursday, March 26 @ 5:00 PM. The Parkville Scooter Guy is located at 101 Mill Street, downtown Parkville, Missouri, (816)746-6278.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Greg Hawley

What a great loss to Kansas City, to the Midwest and to everyone interested in river history, archeology and to those who enjoy a great story of adventure and discovery. Greg Hawley, 51, and co-owner of the Steamboat Arabia Museum in Kansas City's River Market was killed Saturday evening when a speeding car driven by a teenager hit Hawley's pickup which then rolled and Hawley was thrown from the vehicle.

We don't know what changes this will make in the stated desires, expressed by the Hawley family, to relocate the museum to Parkville. We understand that they have located what appears to be another boat and they had stated that they wanted to move and expand the present museum and to display a new boat. This is a time for greeving, and soon enough the question of moving the museum will be revisited.

We extend our sincerest sympathies for the family's loss. More information can be found by chlicking the link below. For more information about the museum plese visit: